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9 Factors that Add Value to Your Freelancing Services

by Laura Spencer

on April 29, 2013

in Freelancing Basics Freelancing Life

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Most freelancers have trouble raising their rates.

They may know that they aren’t charging enough for their freelancing services. They may even want to charge more. But they aren’t quite sure how to justify a higher rate for themselves.

So, they go along with whatever rate the client suggests–fully aware that they are probably undercharging.

Does this describe you? If so, this post should help you to charge what you’re worth. In this post, I list nine freelancing factors that add value for your client. Any one of these factors, or a combination of these factors, can be used to demonstrate your true worth to a client.

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How Your Client Benefits from Your Freelancing Services

Most freelancers don’t realize how their services add value for their clients. They don’t have a very good grasp on how clients actually benefit from their services, so they have trouble asking for more money.

Take a look at the list below. All of these factors add value for the client. They can be used to explain why you are raising your rate. In addition, you could develop a unique selling proposition around one or more of these factors.

Here’s the list:

  1. Experience. If you have more than five years of experience in a particular field, you are worth more than someone who is just entering the field. Clients know that you are likely to work more quickly and accurately than a freelancer with little experience.
  2. Specialized knowledge. If you have unique knowledge (possibly from a prior job) that can help your clients, that adds value to your freelancing services. Clients often have trouble finding freelancers who have the specialized knowledge that they need.
  3. Professional training. Continuing education courses are worth the price you pay. If you’ve completed one or more professional training courses in an area the customer needs, be sure to mention it. Since most training courses have a set curriculum, clients often trust knowledge acquired through training more than knowledge acquired in other ways.
  4. Extra services. Do you bundle other services (such as social media, technical support, or consulting) with your freelancing? If you do, that’s definitely worth some extra money. If you don’t bundle services, consider adding some simple services along with your basic service to add value for your clients.
  5. Rush work. Do you make yourself available for projects with very little advance notice? Many clients really value the convenience of being able to give rush work to a freelancer. If you are flexible and able to turn projects out quickly, you should be paid extra for it. Remember, not every freelancer accepts rush work.
  6. Educational background. While having a degree is not a requirement for freelancing, if you do have one (especially if it’s in your field) it can set you apart from other freelancers who do not.
  7. Satisfied clients. Clients love to read testimonials because it demonstrates that you have a proven track record. A testimonial lowers the risk the client faces when they hire you. Having a list of satisfied clients definitely adds value to your freelancing business.
  8. Reputation as a leader. If you are well-known as an influencer or thought leader in your field, your clients can expect to benefit from hiring you. This is one reason why your blogging and social media efforts are so important–they demonstrate your knowledge and expertise in your field.
  9. Specialized skills. In addition, having unique skills or talents that other freelancers may not share can make you more valuable to a client. If you are having trouble coming up with a list of skills and talents, ask someone close to you (or even a client).

So, the next time you want to raise your freelancing rates and doubt your value as a freelancer, look over the list above.

Does your freelancing business have any of these value-adding factors? If it does, you’ve earned a raise. If it doesn’t, think about how you can add value to your freelancing services. Remember, having the lowest price is usually not a good marketing strategy.

Your Turn

What client benefits did I forget to mention? Share them in the comments.

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About Laura Spencer

Laura Spencer is a freelance writer from North Central Texas with over 20 years of professional business writing experience. If you liked this post, then you may also enjoy Lauraâ??s blog about her freelance writing experiences, WritingThoughts. Laura is also on Google+.